Our Vision
We empower adults with different abilities to live their best life.
Our Mission
We provide training, support and services for the empowerment, employment & independence of adults with disabilities.
Our Purpose
We advocate for the rights of and promote public acceptance of adults with disabilities.

Office Hours
Director of the SATC
Kim Voaden
Freedom of
Information Manager

Contact Details
Telephone: (345) 946-0024 • Email: NAUInfo@gov.ky
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 895, Grand Cayman KY1-1103.
New Facility
We are delighted to have the government's support to build a new purpose-built facility in George Town. The new facility expects to have a multi-purpose hall and accessible hurricane shelter, meeting spaces, a library/national disability resource centre, a sensory room and sensory gardens. It will also have larger training and workshop areas, a greenhouse and hobby farm, an onsite shop to sell client-made items, occupational therapy facilities and more.
The new centre will help clients and families access services as needed, as well as be an asset and aid to the surrounding neighbourhood. This will be located in George Town and will
include new facilities and help clients and families to access the other services more readily, that are situated in the local area.

35 Years of Success
the Sunrise Adult Training Centre (SATC) will celebrate 35 years of serving the Cayman Islands with its integrated services and programmes for adults with a broad range of special needs. The Centre recently came under the remit of the Cayman Islands Government’s Ministry of Investment, Innovation and Social Development.
Currently, the Centre supports 35 clients in its day programme, and 23 clients who work in paid employment in the community (see below for a range of testimonials from employers). There are 22 members of staff.
Since its founding 35 years ago, Sunrise Adult Training Centre has played a significant role in the Cayman Islands, both in its delivery of services to clients and its advocacy on their behalf.
In the past 35 years, there has been a transformation of attitudes towards people with special needs and disabilities. This has elevated the crucial importance of policies and practices to support and include them in our community, the economy and society. Swiftly changing technologies also aid in the range of possibilities for them to contribute, and likewise enabling them to strive for their full potential as individuals.
Business Partnerships
Junk Recycling
Junk Recycling welcomed our Sunrise placement as a Part time Driver to collect recyclables on a daily basis from Residential customers and Commercial Offices. With Sunrise’s help, he grew into the job and the responsibilities that went with it steadily over his first year, often helping out with other crews to bring his hours up.
We all worked through lockdown as the company was listed essential and he followed the guidelines that were given him and has an excellent work attendance record.
We moved onto larger vehicles at the end of 2020 due to the increase in business and although he has been unable to gain a class 4 license he remains with the company as a Crew member and continues to be an important staff member.
I must thank Sunrise for their support in helping us to bring him to where he is today, as a Caymanian taking responsibility for himself and his family!
Andrew Bodden
General Manager
Tomfoodery Kitchen & Bar
"We were introduced to Sunrise Adult Training Centre after already hiring one of their clients. The relationship we have with that staff member who utilises their services has been nothing but positive. Their attention to their clients and willingness to invest time to ensure that they succeed in the workplace is humbling. Additionally, our own approach to managing has benefited by the example that the Sunrise representatives set.
We’ve learned as managers from their actions and patience when guiding their clients and helping them to succeed without hampering their ability to achieve independently. We’ve seen a growth in that staff member that has been faster and more earnest than a number of our other employees that do not require Sunrise’s services. We wholeheartedly support Sunrise and are eager to entertain further placements. "
Jonathan Nunez
Reflections Liquor 4 Less
Over the years, Reflections has appreciated the support you have continued to provide. We are thankful for your support in monitoring his work goals and duties. He has progressed to be successful in assisting and implementing many things throughout our stores, and he frequently assists us with banking errands.
His willingness to help others, show initiative to his supervisor is respectable and he has always shown respect to our customers. Our whole entire team loves him and have a great working relationship with him. I find it very rewarding to have someone who functions at such a high-level. He’s made so much progress over the past few years and we are very grateful to have him work for us. Thanks to Sunrise for being a great advocate.
Stanley Panton
Store Manager
Cafe Amazon
"Cafe Amazon is pleased to partner with Sunrise Adult Training Centre to provide employment opportunities for people with special needs. We have had nothing but excellent staff join our organization from Sunrise."
Growing Beauty Nursery
"Over the years Sunrise Adult Training Centre staff have been very supportive. We enjoy having someone from Sunrise working with us, he is hard working, friendly and helpful to our customers.
At times it can be challenging to understand their needs, but overall it teaches us all staff to exercise patience and sometimes causes us step aside and take a deep breath to regroup. Bottom line though, "They bring Joy to our Hearts".
We think that persons with additional needs are wonderful people who should be given the same opportunities as we had.
Michelle Green
Owner & Manager
Greenhouse Café & Restaurant
“As the Chef and Owner of The Greenhouse Cafe/Restaurant, I’m happy to be a part of the internship program with Sunrise. Over the many years, we worked with several young adults who were differently abled and my team and I enjoyed working with each of them.
From showing them how to roll up silverware in napkins for our customers to carrying plates of food and beverages to customers to measuring and weighing ingredients to rolling out and cooking pizza doughs we enjoyed each and every day that they were a part of our team at The Greenhouse Cafe/Restaurant.
Some of my most memorable times were making pizzas with one young man. He is such an impressive and positive individual and working with him and watching him make his first ever pizzas (that he took and shared with his family) from flour and raw ingredients into beautiful and very yummy pizzas was one of the most rewarding things that’s ever happened in my life.
I also have found it to be awesome for our staff and customers as well. One of our Caymanian staff members, came to me the week after one of the internships ended for one of the young ladies. She explained how much she appreciated the experience because she would never had had the opportunity to work with somebody so closely. She admitted that she was a bit nervous at first, not knowing what to expect because of the poor stigma in society, but that her mind had been forever changed based on her experience.
My customers learned that patience goes a long way when training anybody and appreciated that everybody is good at something and that everybody deserves to work, be treated fairly, and valued for the skills they are working on improving.
Overall, I think that the internship program with Sunrise is a wonderful addition to any business, especially with the dedicated assistance of the Vocational Team to help guide us all through the process. I’m so pleased that we have been able to be a part of it and thank Sunrise as well as their amazing clients and families. We’ve loved working with all of you over the years.”
Chef Jen