Join the Sunrise Adult Training Centre for its eighth annual musical performance - "Aladdin" on Thursday 17 November! Always a delightful occasion, its clients and staff have been working hard for the past few weeks and there are a few surprises in store (shh!) Starring Matthew Javier as “Aladdin”, Timika Johnson as “Jasmine”, and Mercedes Reyes as “Genie”.
Performance will be at 7:00PM at the Harquail Theatre, and there will be crafts (created by Sunrise clients) and snacks for sale.
Tickets are available for $10 – please call 345-949-3330.
Enter a giveaway on social media (@sunriseadulttrainingcentre – Instagram Facebook @sunrisecentrecayman) for the opportunity to win two tickets to the show, follow the rules to try your luck! Giveaway ends November 14th.